Sunday, August 28, 2011

First script revision

The first script revision can be downloaded here. From now on, you can find them along the right side of the page. This is a revision of the ending of Act 1. You should print it out and paper clip it to your script in the appropriate place.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Daily Doubles

Today the cast had thirty minutes to put together a steampunk costume out of odds and ends our costumers provided. They did an amazing job!

Here's the entire cast of Avalon!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Music

Below are links so that you can download and print the music. Even though not everyone is in every song (obviously), I'd like everyone to print a complete set for themselves. Important reminder: These are not the absolute final versions of the songs; they are evolving daily. I will probably not be posting orchestral interludes or dialog underscores.
This music may not be copied or distributed without permission; it is for the use of the cast only. All songs and lyrics copyright (c) mark steighner 2011
ACT 1 music
ACT 2 Music

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

what is "Avalon" all about?

Steampunk is a term that was first used in 1980s, but the ideas that power steampunk literature, fashion, and art have been around for a long time. Jules Verne ("20,000 Leagues Under the Sea") and HG Wells ("War of the Worlds") were 19th century authors who were really the first writers to seriously explore the themes of technology and its relationship to culture and the environment. Since then, steampunk has evolved as a fashion, and as a genre of literature and other forms of entertainment. Combining rich, elegant, antique fashion with bits and pieces of machinery, clockwork, and interesting objects of outdated technology, steampunk fashion allows a lot of individual freedom and creativity.

While a lot of steampunk literature (and film) focuses on airships and fanciful machines, the "steam" part often gets ignored. In the Victorian period (which is the most common setting for steampunk stories), steam-powered technology was being developed at an incredible pace, with little or no regard for the workers in the factories or the impact on the environment. Large areas of the UK were mined, stripped, deforested, and overbuilt. Tens of thousands of workers were injured in factories.

"Avalon's" themes and ideas
Books and plays and musicals aren't about "ideas," but about people and characters. It's pretty boring to watch a play that's just trying to teach a lesson. However, thanks to the characters and the story's setting, there are some themes woven through the musical.

The Negative Impact of Progress...
Lord Richardson's factories have transformed Avalon from a old-fashioned little village to a center of industry. He has brought money, culture, and technology to Avalon. The downside: the workers are sick and exhausted, the air is polluted, and the natural landscape has been ruined. Lady Richardson is using her son's marriage to Iona as a way of acquiring greater power and even more land.

Technology vs. Magic...
This is a very common theme in fantasy literature, but in Avalon there are really three ideas in opposition. Colonel Knight (who may or may not be the ancient wizard Merlyn) thinks that magic is a force that can be used, manipulated, and conquered (a very male-energy way of looking at the world). Iona comes from a family that believes that all of nature is "enchanted" and sacred and thinks that "magic" is just working and living in harmony with the world. Titus is a rational person who doesn't believe in any of it. All he understands are the laws of physics. It's interesting to note that in ancient Celtic cultures, there were two types of energy: one came from "above" and was represented by the sun, and was very masculine. The other came from the Earth and was represented by the moon and was feminine.

Tristan and Isolde...
The ancient tale of Tristan and Isolde--which is about the power of love, sacrifice, and destiny--drives the basic story of Avalon, though it has been considerably re-worked. But here's a little spoiler: unlike the lovers in Tristan and Isolde, no one in Avalon dies. Things work out in the end.

costume contest winner!

Congratulations to Valerie Fischer for winning the "design your own costume" contest! Way to get into the Spirit of Avalon, Valerie!
(Valerie wins a book on Steampunk Jewelry for her efforts)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cast list


Titus Gidding...Noa Edwards
Iona Caradoch...Elizabeth Gobbo
Mairi Caradoch...Maddie McLean
Briana...Morgan Graves
Illiana...Valerie Fischer
Shae...Dhora Daluz
Lord Delmar Richardson...Brett Peldyak
Lady Geneva Richardson...Daisy Guzman
Dunstan Richardson...Daniel Woodrich
Colonel Sumner Knight...Duncan Krummel
Lucy Knight...Kendra Apland
Mary McCulloch...Delaney Barbour
Catelyn...Lauren Gray
Ophelia Hartley...Claire Rawson
Sullivan Hartley...Sam Raulston
Bishop Greene...Jacob Mears
Dante...Sam Rickenbach
Leonora...Sophie Oswald
Novella...Susan Raulston
Bedford...Miles Mayer
Colin...Noah Tauscher
Maggie...Sophie Zega
Lucien Fawning...Ben Dane
Edwina...Jessamyn Duckwall
Lily...Sarah Raulston
Brigadeer General Harris...Justin Danner
Guard 1...Connor McDermott
Guard 2...Tanis Gonzaga
Guard 3...Murphy Jackson

Cathedral Choir
(also part of the ensemble)
Jojo Summersett,Olivia Newcomb, Phineas Newcomb,
Davis Macintosh, Emily Gallegos, Ella Van Cott, Lily Roberts, Kane Hite

Dream Ballet
(also part of the ensemble)
Shantae Thornton, Lauren Gray,Kendra Apland, Sierra Johnson, Hunter Peterson, Sophie Zega, Susan Raulston, Isabella Correa, Maddy Graham, Ansley Bricker, Dhora Daluz, Becca Daluz, Delaney Barbour, Sophie Oswald, Jessamyn Duckwall, Emily Gallegos, Miranda Star, others TBA

Delia Dolan, Tanis Gonzaga, Gabriela Whitehead, Rory Krehbiel, Ben Dane, Addie Bobadilla,Glenda Landry,Alyssa Saito,Cheyenne Ogden, Emmie McPherson, Emily Ziegner, Rianna Platt, Claudia Sneathen, Katrina Dallas, Alex Cuffe, Corey Gross, Megan Sears, Desiree Rousch, Sophie Finstad, Lucas Campos-Davis, Isobel Jones, Christopher Mendez, Sophie Marbach,Maggie Hall

If your name is not on the list, please see me. I tried to find a part for everyone who auditioned. There were many, many excellent

Please keep in mind that this is still a work in progress. Now that I know
who is playing what, I can write accordingly.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


After two days, over 50 people have auditioned for Avalon. I am excited that so many people want to be part of this project, which, after all, is still being created!

For anyone who auditioned and is reading this, I will do my best to have a cast list posted here by the end of the weekend.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Auditions for AVALON will be April 19-20-21 (callbacks, if needed) from 3:15-5:15. There are many featured and supporting roles, and even a few non-singing parts. There are parts for younger children (ages 8-11) and for dancers.

Visiting the "real life" Avalon (Glastonbury) was an inspiration. Listening to the songs of the birds mixed with the noise of air traffic and the sounds of a choir singing in an ancient tower brought to life one of the major themes of the musical: the timeless conflict between nature, technology, and a magical way of seeing the world. Very exciting!